Saturday, August 5, 2017

Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon - Episode 4 - I Hate These Boos!

I hate everything they have to do with this game. Freaking pillow texture giggly tennis ball sounding pathetic excuse of a laughter sounds like a rapidly deflating cat. Their hiding skills are about as refined as a glowing postbox and they're animations are jerky at best. Their supposed boo pun names are the worst examples of jokes I have ever heard and I don't even understand most of them. Let alone the fact that they contradict their own formula of boo puns by replacing the wrong vowels in an attempt to scrape the bottom of the barrel in order to come up with some sort of witty jokes which ends up falling flat on its face much like the boos do once you've pulled their tongues out enough that they bounce around the room like an out of control bouncing ball. That being said though, I do like their death animation so at least they've got that going for them... Boo! Boo I say to your questionable existence!

O_O thats a lot of texts

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